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Admission Guidelines and Application

We are committed to making your inquiry as comfortable as possible. Below are general guidelines for your reference when considering an admission. We do realize that each situation requires special attention and we are committed to address your personal circumstances and needs.

When Coming from Home

We encourage you to call the admission coordinator 724-588-7610 at St. Paul’s in advance to gather initial information and schedule a tour of the facility.

When Coming from the Hospital

Often times the social worker at the discharging hospital makes the initial contact with St. Paul’s. Once contacted, the admissions coordinator will call you to arrange for a visit and to plan the steps for admission.

Admission Steps

  1. Complete an application and submit it to the Admissions Office
  2. Complete the admission paperwork
  3. Provide copies of the following documents (if applicable):
    1. Advance Directives — Living Wills and/or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
    2. Legal Guardianship papers (if applicable)
    3. All insurance cards (required)
    4. Power of Attorney papers
    5. Phone numbers and addresses for next of kin (required)
  4. Complete the following documents:
    1. General Admissions Agreement
    2. Short Stay Resident Agreement
  5. Prepare these items to bring with you:
    1. Comfortable clothing
    2. Personal items such as a TV and Easy chair
  6. Do not bring the following items:
    1. Extension cords or multiple plugs
    2. Space heaters
  7. In some cases, you must complete of an OPTION assessment completed by the Area Agency of Aging
  8. If coming from home, get a medical exam provided by your personal physician

Note: if you choose to fill out our new online application by clicking on the blue button above, you will be able to securely upload financial documents.