Legacy Society

Have a question about making a legacy gift? Please contact Dawn Hartman, Director of Strategic Giving, at 724-589-4611 or email.
The Legacy Society was created in 2000 to recognize the exceptional group of men and women who have chosen to support the residents and mission of St. Paul's by making a deferred gift in their estate planning. In 2013, the society expanded to include those who have made a named fund in perpetuity through the Keeping the Promise Fund.
Each year we celebrate our Legacy Society members with a special luncheon. In addition, members are recognized on the website and in the annual donor report and receive invitations to special events at St. Paul's.
How to Become a Member
You will need the following information to make a planned gift:
Legal Name: St. Paul Homes
Federal Tax ID#: 25-0773080
Contact: Dawn Hartman, Director of Strategic Giving
Address: 339 E. Jamestown Rd., Greenville, PA 16125
Please let us know that you have included St. Paul's in your estate plan by using this online form.
Some donors don't share their intention to make a legacy gift to St. Paul's. Unfortunately we miss the opportunity to thank them for their gift and discuss how they would like the gift to be used. We don't want to miss that opportunity with you! By disclosing your intention, you might be encouraging someone else to make a planned gift too!
What are Legacy Gifts?
For common types of legacy gifts, please check out the Ways to Give page.
If you need more information about making a legacy gift, please contact Dawn Hartman, Director of Strategic Giving at 724-589-4611 or email.
Recognition of Members
It is our privilege to honor the following dear friends who have included St. Paul's in their estate planning and are members of the Legacy Society.
Doug & Lori Anderson
Lyle & Susan Anderson
Anonymous Members (7)
Christine Bayuk
Dr. Mary Ellen Bayuk
Becky Beck
Don & Rita Clemente
Dale & Barbara Deist
George Donner
Gordon & Julia Fraser
Margie Hays
Sandra Hittle
Jean B. Hodge
Steve & Carol Hosmer
LaWanda Johnston
David Jones
Dick Jones
Diann Kuder
Ed & Mary Langbein
Nancy Little
Patty Marantis
Gail Maycher
Robert McConnell & Inis Jane Bardella
Geraldine McElree
Dr. Irv & Mimi Milheim
Darrell & Sue Nicklin
G. Bryan & Kathy Oros
John & Dorothy Rust
Rev. Glenn & Arlene Sadler
James & Lucy Shaffer
Terry & Mary Starry
Nancy Stevenson
Gloria Trapasso
Bretton & Stacey Walberg
Janet Walther
D. Michael & Barbara Walton
Rev. Dr. Paul Westcoat Jr.
Jim & Jackie Weyman